Carl Feindt
Why Carl decided to investigate the ufo-water connection
Interesting trends and fascinating insights that he has gained from his research;
Cases that he does not think are related to UFOs;
The international aspects of the phenomenon;

Radar and sonar cases
UFOs. v. USOs
"Water Wheels"
The Eltanin
Shag Harbour
and a ton more aquatic-themed esoteric material

After appearing on BoA:Audio for a brief interview that generated a lot of buzz last Fall, Carl Feindt returns to the program for an in-depth discussion on the water-UFO connection. We'll be exploring why Carl decided to investigate this aspect of Ufology, interesting trends and fascinating insights that he has gained from his research, cases that he does not think are related to UFOs, the international aspects of the phenomenon, sea monsters, radar and sonar cases, UFOs. v. USOs, "Water Wheels", the Eltanin, Shag Harbour, and a ton more aquatic-themed esoteric material.

We plumb the depths of the UFO-water connection as BoA:Audio returns with a must-hear episode for any serious student of Ufology.

We kick things off with the standard bio / background on Carl Feindt, how he got interested in the UFO phenomenon, specifically the water-UFO connection. We then discuss why it seems like USOs have remained in the background of UFO studies. After that, we talk about Carl's exhaustive website and how he collected the vast number of cases detailed at the site. This segues into some discussion on how the work of Ted Phillips inspired Carl to investigate USOs.

We look at some of the USO trends that have emerged as Carl has compiled so many cases. Looking at perhaps the key trend that Carl has discovered, we discuss the UFO's physical effects on water, a revelation that Carl says made him a true believer in the UFO phenomenon. He gives a detailed summation of the four types of UFO & water interraction and how they explain a lot about the way UFOs operate. We talk about potential "trace cases" upon the water. This leads to some discussion on the water temperature changes caused by UFOs.

Carl destroys binnall's theory of USOs and aircraft carriers, which leads to talk about sonar and radar reports of USOs. After that, we find out about Carl's cases that involve "death in the water" and why he stresses to future Ufologists to "have the specimens analyzed." We cover fish reactions to USOs. Carl shares the influences on his "field theory" regarding UFOs and what the mystery of the field was to him.

We talk about a fascinating case of two divers who died possibly due to exposure to a USO and how heat generated from the UFO's field has been reported to cause rain to turn into steam. Carl explains why he hates theories about UFOs taking ships and how that line of thinking is a systemic problem related to UFO studies. Staying in line with temperature effects from the UFOs, we talk about reports of interraction between the craft and ice along with snow and UFOs. We also explore the potential of snow circles, similar to crop circles.

After that, we look at the possibility that classic sea monster reports could actually be USOs. We find out if there is an average USO report, i.e. going into & out of the water, going in and not coming out, just coming out, totally submerged, etc. Carl also explains how the USO reports run the gamut of all bodies of water, except for one and he explains why.

USOs taking on water ... we get Carl's opinion on why there are some reports of USOs extracting water. We talk about "water wheels" and why Carl says they are a real phenomenon but not almost certainly not related to USOs. Staying on the topic of UFO occupants taking on water, we discuss some of the stories where this occurs. Carl explains how this is different from the appearance of UFOs floating over water and sucking it up. We also find out that these stories of occupants obtaining water for their UFOs range from the late 1800's all the way up to 2001.